“Ejner Nielsen was a breeder of Shorthorn cattle in the 1930s.”
As a family we have been breeding cattle in the parkland area of central Alberta goes back over 80 years. Ejner Nielsen was a breeder of Shorthorn cattle in the 1930s. Our family contributed to the emergence of the continental breeds in North America with Charolais. In the late 80's we began a search for a maternal breed to compliment the Charolais and in 1990 we selected the Gelbvieh breed. Our first Gelbvieh calf crop was 1991, the year "A". We have gone through the breeders alphabet (and then some) and continue to be actively involved in the Gelbvieh breed. Through AI we are reintroducing Shorthorn genetics into our herd as an enhancement to the strong maternal characteristics and carcass merit of Gelbvieh.
We feel very fortunate to be able to continue with a passionate stewardship of the land with quality cattle.